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Home > Dimmer Light Switch Packages > Dimmer Switch Packages - Frequently Asked Questions

Dimmer Switch Packages - Frequently Asked Questions

Dimmer Switch Packages - Frequently Asked Questions

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Q - How do I programme or re-programme the Varilight YRC8 unit?

A -  The instructions are as follows:

Dimmers with an "eye" in the middleof the sensor are pre- programmed to respond to button 1 and button 8 on the varilight remote control handset. Alternatively , the dimmers with a "eye" in the middle of the sensor can be programmed to respond to any of the buttons 1 to 7 varilight remote control handset or any button on the remote control handet you have at home already. If there is a button that you do not currently use then you can use it to control the dimmer by following steps carefully.

1. To set the dimmer into learning mode, after it is initalized, tap the sensor 6 times, roughly once per second (each tap causes the light to turn on or off). After 6 taps on the sensor the light will step up and down once and go off.

2. Within 15 seconds and from a distance of less than 1 meter (3 feet) away, pointing directly at the "eye" press and hold down the chosen button, releasing after holding the button down for at least 2 seconds. The light(s) will turn off and on.

3. To confirm your choice, press and hold down the same button again releasing after holding the button down again for at least 2 seconds. If the programming has been successful, the light will turn on and off. The light then step up and down once to confirm. Try controlling the dimmer with the remote control. If it does not respond return to step 1 above and try agiain. If the problem persists , try a different button, a different remote control unit or purchase the Varilight controller.

4. You can now use this button on the remote control to operate the dimmer. As with the touch sensor, a single touch on the remote control button will turn the light(s) on and off. Holding the button down will make the brightness cycle up and down. To change the direction of the of the dimming cycle remove contact and then press the button again. Release contact from the button when the desired light level is reached. The dimmer can still operated using the touch sensor.

5. For 2 gang models, repeat steps 1 to 4 for each sensor, teaching each one a different button so you can control each one separately. You can change your choice of control button by following steps 1 to 4 again at any time.

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