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Home > Varilight Switches & Sockets > LED Dimmers > Eclique 2 (Home Automation)

Eclique 2 (Home Automation)

The Varilight Eclique 2 is a range of remote control dimmers for dimmable LED lighting. They are powered by V-pro technology which is the latest in LED dimming technology. The Eclique 2 dimmers can be used with 1-10 dimmable LED bulbs and is also suitable to be used with halogen and incandescent bulbs. The Eclique 2 range comes as a master and a slave, slave switches cannot be used alone and require a master for 2 way dimming. The Eclique 2 range can be programmed to an infrared remote control such as the YRC8 for controlling the dimmers remotely, for creating light scenes you can use the YRE8 remote handset which can set up to 4 lighting scenes across up to 4 circuits. The range is available in 1-4 gang and in standard, screwless and ultra-flat plate styles, there are also 20+ finishes to choose from.  If you have any queries about the Eclique 2 range or if it will be suitable for you, contact our sales team on sales@theinternetelectricalstore.com


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