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Home > Technical & FAQ Info > FAQ's


Frequently Asked Questions

Q - Please explain the 'screwless' switches?
A - Two plates form to create the illusion of a screwless switch. Once installed the plate will sit approx 3mm from the wall. The outer plate simply clips into the second plate which is mounted as a normal switch would be. The result is a screwless wall switch as per the pictures below:

Please explain the 'screwless' switches?  Please explain the 'screwless' switches?

Please explain the 'screwless' switches?

Q - How does the Varilight remote control operate?
A - Simply push the button to turn on/off to turn the lights on/off, or hold to dim through the range of dimming, 0% to 100%, keep holding and it will cycle through from full brightness to dim and on and on.....
Remove your finger to keep at required level of brightness, say 30% for an atmospheric evening ambiance.
Turn off at 30% with either the remote control or the switch means next time you turn back on it will come on at 30%, simply hold either the remote button or the switch to get back to full brightness in a matter of seconds.
Q - Why does the control have 8 buttons?

A - Buttons 1-7 will operate 7 different light circuits. Button 8 will operate all in its range.
For example if you had a stairs, lounge and hallway scenario all of 3 switches, say within 30 feet of each other, you could turn all on/off or dim all at the same time by pressing button number 8.
Q - Can I just use the Varilight 8 button to control my lights?
A - No, the Varilight Remote Dimmers also allow you to use other remotes such as; Sky/TV/Hi-fi/DVD remote controls etc etc!
Simply pick a dormant button, such as -/-- or the coloured teletext buttons which don't do anything unless your in teletext (Now that the internet is here, does anyone use teletext anymore?). Then programme it as per the instructions included with the switch or as per the technical pages on this website.
This is excellent for the spare room with a tv in it, you will not need the additional remote control unit in the room and thus have less clutter around your house! Your guest will be suitably impressed when they don't have to get out of bed to turn off their lights.

Q - How do I wire in a motion sensor?

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