PIR Motion Sensors - Frequently Asked Questions
Motion sensor PIR Frequently asked questions:
Q - Do PIR Motion Sensors operate in multiples or parrallel?
A - Yes, you can operate in a single unit, or you can operate in a parrellel system where up to 5 PIR's can be operated together. This way you can create an excellent security system with multiple PIR sensor locations triggering one lighting circuit.
ie two corner points of a property and a drive way location.
Q - How do I wire in a Motion Sensor?

Any other questions? Please call: 01342 821 433 or email: sales@theinternetelectricalstore.com
Q - Do PIR Motion Sensors operate in multiples or parrallel?
A - Yes, you can operate in a single unit, or you can operate in a parrellel system where up to 5 PIR's can be operated together. This way you can create an excellent security system with multiple PIR sensor locations triggering one lighting circuit.
ie two corner points of a property and a drive way location.
Q - How do I wire in a Motion Sensor?

Any other questions? Please call: 01342 821 433 or email: sales@theinternetelectricalstore.com