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Home > Wooden Switches & Sockets > Varilight Kilnwood Wooden Switches & Sockets - Frequently Asked Questions

Varilight Kilnwood Wooden Switches & Sockets - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are they supplied with screws & instructions?
Yes, all Wooden Switches & Sockets are supplied with fixing screws & instructions on how to wire the switch/socket.
  • How many bulbs can one dimmer switch run?
Each Wooden Dimmer Switch varies in the wattage it can run.  This can be worked out by a simple mathematical calculation of the following... Maximum wattage of the dimmer switch divided by the wattage of the dimmable bulb you wish to run.  For example, a one gang 250 watt dimmer switch can run a maximum of 5 x 50 watt dimmable bulbs.  Please Note: It is not wise to use the switch to its' maximum load.
  • Can I get replacement plates for the switches & sockets?
No, unfortunately the manufacturer does not supply replacement plates. The wood is specially laser-cut and the components cannot be separated.
  • How deep must the back-box be in order to accommodate the Wooden Switches & Sockets?
All Wooden Switches & Sockets will fit comfortably in a 25mm back-box as the module is partailly concealed inside the wooden plate.  However the bigger the air space around the module, the better the air flow will be around the module to promote cooling.

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