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Home > Remote Control Home Automation > Varilight Remote Dimmer Switches

Varilight Remote Dimmer Switches

Varilight Remote Control Dimmer Switches - YRC8

The VARILIGHT 8 channel battery operated infra-red remote control handset (YRC8) can be used on any VARILIGHT remote controlled dimmer light switch, the standard remote touch dimmer or the New Varilight Eclipse remote or touch LED Dimmer switch, it gives you a wireless lighting operation from 50 feet (20 Metres).

Especially useful if you have more than one Remote Dimmer in a room, as an example, a 4 gang dimmer could be operated independently by buttons 1 to 4, the 8th button is automatically assigned to operate them all together, giving you home automation, a
ll on/off, all dimming from 2% to 100% or individual lighting control operation.

Questions please call: 01342 774732 or 0800 043 5532, email: sales@theinternetelectricalstore.com

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